
In The News

18 Jun 2023
Washington seeks to lower the risks of competition [with China] by establishing clearer guardrails and identifying areas of cooperation. Axios

Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China
19 Dec 2022
At the moment, we think that China has not fully developed the capability to guarantee a sure victory if it chooses to launch a military option on Taiwan. CNA

Ivy Kwek

Giustra Fellow, China
6 Dec 2022
China is working hard to improve its relationships with the US, but also working hard to shore up support among countries Beijing sees as important in its competition. AAP

Comfort Ero

President & CEO
15 Nov 2022
Beijing is still balancing between its interest in maintaining its strategic alignment with Moscow and its interest in keeping its relationship with Washington stable. Star Tribune

Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China
21 Oct 2022
The [Chinese] leadership understands their management of this period as determinative of the pace and trajectory of China’s rise. Washington Post

Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China
14 Sep 2022
So far China has provided political and moral support to Moscow [for the war in Ukraine] but has refrained from providing military assistance. Bloomberg

Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China

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Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China
Amanda Hsiao

Ivy Kwek

Giustra Fellow, China
Ivy Kwek

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